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Effective ways your business can reduce its carbon footprint
Every business, regardless of size, has an ethical obligation to reduce its carbon footprint. There are several measures that you can take to achieve this. Use the tips below to ensure your business is socially responsible and environmentally friendly. 

Invest in proper waste facilities 

Many businesses today face waste management challenges. You can overcome this by availing recycling waste facilities and ensuring that every bin is properly labelled to help people know what should go where. 

Make use of renewable energy solutions 

Renewable energies such as solar panels are penetrating the global energy sector faster than any other fuel ever has. Utilising these renewable sources for your business's electricity helps you reduce your carbon footprint and save on utility costs. 

Use an energy efficient lighting system 

Your business may be contributing to its carbon footprint through energy consumption. To minimise this, have an energy efficient lighting system installed on your business premises. Also, ensure that all energy consuming equipment is switched off when not in use to cut down on consumption. 

Minimise your car use 

Driving to work every day or using any other form of fuel guzzling means of transport results in the emission of carbon dioxide in the air. You can reduce this emission by cycling to work. Also, encourage your employees to do so too. Cycling has double benefits as it also helps you stay in shape! 

Minimise business travel 

Travelling for business requires using your car frequently. This, in turn, increases the amount of carbon you release in the air. Instead, consider holding video conferencing calls as an alternative to travel. 
The other way you can minimise business travel is by allowing your employees to work from home. Working remotely has the following benefits; 
Minimal car use, hence, reduced carbon dioxide emission 
Cuts business electricity costs 
Reduces business water usage 
In the long run, you reduce costs on all business utilities. 

Replace air conditioners with ceiling fans 

An air conditioner is notorious for consuming power. If your office gets too hot, replace the AC with ceiling fans. Fans are effective in reducing energy consumption and reducing carbon footprint. 

Reduce your carbon footprint - where to find out more 

If you think you're paying too much for your energy costs, we can conduct a review of your current energy rates against your accurate usage and advise what you can do about it and when. We can save you money while you're reducing your carbon footprint. Simply call, email or complete your details below. Find out more about our business energy consultancy or please get in touch if you'd like to discuss how we can help. 
Image: 3D Green Footprint by licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 
Tagged as: carbon footprint
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